2015年1月19日 星期一

網路購物:Amazon 期間限定贈送$10購物金,1/31截止!

Amazon.com Gift Card買$50送$10,活動到1/31截止!  Amazon gift card 不只有實體卡片,還有Email寄送功能,現在你也可以透過FB傳遞你的心意,是不是很方便阿? ;) 


  • 購買$50(含)以上的Amazon Gift Card
  • 於結帳時填入coupon code "JAN5010GCS" 或"AN50PRIME"
  • 記得先登入Amazon會員,只有部分會員符合參加資格 (嗚嗚,我不能用)
  • 一個帳號只能使用一次
  • 活動截止時間為1/31/2015
  • Amazon 會在五天內 email  $10 promotional code到你信箱,切記Code 會在3/23/2015失效

PS: 加入Amazon Student只要是Amazon出貨的商品,兩天內送到你家!! 快來看看怎麼加入!

*經由該網址會有些許回饋給筆者,若您喜歡本文章,歡迎從這邊進入並加入活動喔! 感恩~

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2015年1月16日 星期五

波士頓周末活動: 1/6~1/19

Cuisine & Festival

免費雞翅送到家: 免費的雞翅正向你招手! 這個周末在Boston訂雞翅不用錢,還幫你送到你在的地方,家裡、公司、公園? 只要下載APP並下訂單,免費雞翅就是你的囉! 運費另外計算。
想要省運費,我也幫你找好方法了! 加入會員時輸入invite code: wg4vc,就可以獲得$10運費。

Teavana請你喝茶: Saturday, January 17, 2015 到各個參與活動的 Teavana據點,參加綠茶試喝活動,即可獲得一杯 handcrafted Winterberry hot 16 oz 或 22 oz 冰茶飲!

Art & Date Idea

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and Celebration Tribute演唱會: Monday, January 19, 2015 at 1pm at Faneuil Hall Marketplace.
CHROMA, National Juried Exhibition 藝展January 15, 2014 – February 14, 2015 Reception: Friday January 23, 7-9pm
MFA免費入場: Monday, January 19, 2015. Free all day on Monday.

Free National Park Day: Monday, January 19, 2015. All 401 National Parks have free admission on Monday.
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2015年1月10日 星期六



老實說,連在The North Face都找不到真正符合要求的外套,除了價格以外其他都符合的夢幻品牌大概就是Canadian Goose,可是偏偏都要五六百美金阿! 太令人揪心了,姊我花不下去
,多的那三四百塊錢,都可以飛西岸玩一趟再逍遙回東岸了!! 嗚嗚~


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2015年1月7日 星期三

美國: Groupon 在地折扣八五折,僅限今天1/7

在台灣我很少購買團購券,因為折扣常常不是太好,而且限制數量很少,常常很快就被搶購一空了! 看的到買不到。 但是來到美國之後,我發現折扣普遍不錯,而且常常會有Groupon額外的折扣,之前有一次是打八折,今天打八五折!!

One Local Deal 八五折- 1/7 只限今天,Promo Code: NEW15 

想要吃哪間餐廳或參加健身房、瑜珈課程,都會有折扣的! 我已經買了三張餐券,一個月的瑜珈課程,抱歉我先買了才來通知大家,不過今天都會有折扣,快點下手吧!

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2015年1月6日 星期二


** 筆者沒有從這個單位或相關活動中獲得利益,只是希望大家可以知道訊息、推廣好活動


從朋友那邊看到的馬可波羅計畫,讓你免費住宿四晚,大家都知道在歐洲很多國家住宿都超級貴的,現在只要你有台灣護照,就可以在特定歐洲指定青年旅舍住上四晚!! 太吸引我了!!活動內容請參考下方。是說我人在美國,會不會有美國的機會啊?
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2015年1月5日 星期一

波士頓活動週曆: 1/5~1/11

Good day!
但波士頓的活動還是持續進行中! 快來看你想參加哪些活動


1. 波士頓科技分享早餐會

  • When: Tuesday, Jan 06, 2015 8:00am - 10:00am
  • Where: Microsoft New England Research & Development Center (1 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA)
  • Admission: FREE
Interact with your peers in a monthly morning breakfast meetup. At this monthly breakfast get-together techies, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs share learn from their peers through show and tell / show-case style presentations. 

2. Chelmsford Agway 冬季市集

  • When: Saturday, Jan 10, 2015 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Where: Chelmsford Agway (24 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824)
  • Admission: FREE
An indoor winter farmers market with vendors selling fresh produce and meats from local farms and also baked goods from small individually owned business. 

3. 2015 波士頓世界無褲日 & Sans-Pants After Party

The No Pants Subway Ride is an annual global event started by Improv Everywhere in New York in 2002. ALL DETAILS for participating in Boston's 8th annual No Pants Subway Ride (including meetup location and party venue) will be posted the Friday before the event and announced over email. check https://www.facebook.com/events/1539298256309237


1. Lesley University 冬季閱讀分享會

  • When: Friday, Jan 02, 2015 5:00pm - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2015 8:00pm
  • Where: Lesley University, Marran Theater (34 Mellen St, Cambridge, MA 02138)
  • Admission: FREE

Join Lesley University faculty, alums, and visiting writers as they read their work to the community. A part of the January Creative Writing Residency, these readings are free and open to the public, and feature work from the MFA program's five literary genres: Fiction, Non Fiction, Poetry, Writing for Stage and Screen, and Writing for Young People.

Monday, January 5 | 6:30 pm
Adrian Matejka (poetry) author of The Big Smoke
Pamela Petro (nonfiction) author of Sitting Up With The Dead: A Storied Journey Through The American South

Wednesday, January 7 | 7:00 pm
Erin Belieu (poetry), author of Slant Six
David Elliott (writing for young people), author of On The Wing

2.  Free Wednesdays @ The MFA

  • When: Wednesday, Jan 07, 2015 4:00pm - 9:30pm
  • Where: Museum of Fine Arts (465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115)
  • Admission: FREE
Wednesday nights after 4 pm, admission is by voluntary contribution (suggested donation $25). 
every Wednesday the MFA holds a free "Drawing in the Galleries" program. Details here: http://bit.ly/JHSnu8


1. Boston/Cambridge溜冰好去處

  1. Ice Skating on Boston Harbor // Rink: $10, Rentals: $10 // 70 Rowes Wharf, Boston, MA 
  2. Community Ice Skating at Kendall Square // Rink: $10, Rentals: $10 // 300 Athenaeum St, Cambridge, MA 
  3. Charles Hotel Skating Rink (Harvard Sq.) // Rink: $5, Rentals: $5 // 1 Bennett St, Cambridge, MA 
  4. Harvard Skate // Rink: FREE, Rentals: $5 // Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 
  5. Frog Pond Skating Rink // Rink: $5, Rentals: $10 // Boston Common, Boston, MA (Show your current college ID and get a half-price admission for $2 on Every Tuesday.)
  6. North End Skating Rink (Indoor)// Rink: FREE, Rentals: $5 // 561 Commercial St, Boston, MA 

2. MIT Social Swing Dance免費課程

  • Schedule: 7:30-9:00 Beginner Dance Lesson (Styles vary, typically swing related) 9:00-11:30 Social Dance 
  • Location: MIT Campus (room changes frequently, for latest info, check mit.edu/swing) 
  • Admission: FREE
Beginners are welcome and encouraged. Partner is NOT necessary. 

3. Out Salsa Boston 社交舞免費課程

  • When: Sunday, Jan 11, 2015 6:00p - 9:00p
  • Where: The Sanctuary (365 Centre St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)
  • Admission: FREE
Free dance lesson from 6-7, then dancing from 7-9! The DJ will be spinning salsa, merengue, and bachata!
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2015年1月1日 星期四

美國:Happy New Year!!!跨年煙火@Boston Common

Happy New Year!!!

今天晚上我們不去守夜啦! 就只有到波士頓市區去走走看看,
從Copley走到Boston Common再到Quincy Market看冰雕、在Boston Common看溜冰表演跟煙火

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