A share of recipes for the potluck dish: Sesame Oil Chicken with Whiskey and cooking wine. I was so flattered by Sin and Carrie last time I made this dish. It is a traditional Taiwanese food. People have it a lot in winter. It keeps you warm and good for your health and somehow healing. Especially those Taiwanese women who just gave birth usually have this for a month long to recover. So I think it might be the best option to share with you now! It is perfect to serve Sesame Oil Chicken with "麵線mian hsian (kind of thin noodle or "fu-zhou noodle" which is labeled on the package I bought)." And also Korean Kimchi, surprisingly!!
Sesame Oil Chicken, "麵線mian hsian," and Kimchi |
所需材料 ingredients:
- 雞大腿一支、雞翅一支; a quarter Chicken and wing
- 薑 約10~20薄片(可以個人喜好自行斟酌) ; Ginger 10~20 thin slices (depending on how much ginger flavor you like)
- 紅棗5~8顆 ;5~8 red jujubes
- 枸杞 約10g; wolfberry/guoqi 10g
- 蔬菜油 一大匙至一匙半;vegetable oil 1~1.5 tablespoons (depending on the amount of your ginger)
- 米酒 少許;Chinese Cooking Wine around 60 ml (preferably Taiwan Rice Wine)
- 威士忌 150 ml;Whiskey 150ml
- 水 適量;Water
- 黑麻油 適量;sesame oil
- 鹽 2小匙;Salt 2 teaspoons
做法 Procedure:
1.將雞肉切塊 Chop chicken in pieces.2.熱油鍋(蔬菜油),放入薑片稍微煸一下
Heat frying pan with vegetable oil, once heat up put in ginger.
3.把薑放到鍋子外圍,鍋子中間放入雞肉,有皮的那面朝下 Put the ginger aside and then put in the chopped chicken with the skin side underneath.
4.將雞肉煎至表面金黃色,倒入Whiskey跟水,水的量只要快淹過雞肉即可 Pan fry till chicken is browned (but not too dark), then add Whiskey and water to make the water cover the chicken. (or you can simply pour Whiskey solely to cover the chicken if you love the taste of wine!!!!)
我們這次使用的威士忌,偏甜ㄧ些,很適合入菜,不過其他牌子應該也都可以試試看。This is what I had in this dish. This one is sweeter and not bitter. Other brands will also do. |
6. 加入枸杞、麻油、米酒,再煮十分鐘,最後關火加鹽巴調味
Put in the wolfberry/guoqi, sesame oil and cooking/rice wine . Cook for another 10 mins. Season it with salt before served.